
Some of my favorite quotes

“Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life”

-- Jerzy Gregorek

“Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want”

-- Naval Ravikant

“That to be remembered is worthless. Like fame. Like everything”

-- Marcus Aurelius

“The only thing that isn’t worthless: to live this life out truthfully and rightly, And be patience with those who don’t.”

-- Marcus Aurelius

“Meaningful work and meaningful relationships”

-- Ray Dalio

“If it entertains you now but will bore you someday, it’s a distraction. Keep looking”

-- Naval Ravikant

“In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way. And that I learn of him”

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired”

-- Seneca

“I cannot remember the books I’ve read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.”

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“If they’ve made a mistake, correct them gently and show them where they went wrong. If you can’t do that, then the blame lies with you. Or no one.”

-- Marcus Aurelius

“Be present above all else”

-- Naval Ravikant